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Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Christmas Already?

I've noticed one key thing as I've gone through the years. It seems to me that the years go by a lot faster the older you get, and as the years go by fast, so do the holidays.

I'm just not in a mental state at this time to celebrate the Christmas season. You can call me a Scrooge, but the truth is I'm not even ready for my birthday to come around on the 17th. It may only stem from the lack of cash-flow that we are faced with, but at this point I'm still not sure if that's the case.

About a month ago we started to buy "The Bug" (Kenli) her Christmas presents. As we would shop I would find things that I really wanted. As time went on I grew more and more irritated that we didn't have enough money for me to get what I wanted for my birthday or Christmas (sense the pattern here?).

Fast-forward to last night. I don't know if it was something said during the course of the day yesterday. But, I felt like I had been the Grinch and my heart just grew last night... We went together as a family to the St. George Temple to go and see the lights. As we were there, it just hit me like a ton of coal in Santa's sack... I had been so selfish, I had started to forget the reason we even have it in the first place. Somehow, getting the newest Xbox 360 game didn't sound as important as it used to.

As a result, I've found myself wanting nothing more for Christmas than to spend good quality time with my family (because, quite honestly, thats about all I can afford to do right now). I just have to fight the urge to want things. Shani is so selfless, to the point that sometimes it drives me nuts that she can't understand me when I say I want something. But after that moment last night, I hope she doesn't have to hear me beg and plea for the things I want this year for Christmas. I've seen the bigger picture and by doing so, I have opened up my heart to "The Christmas Spirit."

As always, thanks for reading. Let me know how you are dealing with the holidays. Drop me an email at firemouth55 @ hotmail .com or leave a comment on this blog post.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Don't kill me for not posting, I'll do better

So... I always have a tough time figuring out how to start these kind of things. Should I start off with a joke, a story, some kind of joke-story hybrid? I don't know, and until I do, I guess you'll just have to deal with what you've got.

Now, I'd hate to be a downer... but I thought I'd just make a quick mention regarding my employment situation... I don't have an employment situation anymore, that's my situation. Yep, this past Monday (that's right the Monday after the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend) I was laid off, let go, fired, separated from my work experience, etc (you get the point!). So now I'm looking for another job. I know people besides me read this "lame" blog. So if you happen to know of any jobs, let me know. I'm kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. I'm willing to do ANYTHING. *pause* Okay, maybe not ANYTHING . . . but aside from whoring myself out on the streets at night or hanging out with questionable people in even more questionable dark alleys, swapping products for money out of my car, I think I'd do JUST ABOUT anything.

It's an odd thing that happens when you get laid off from your job. You feel like a suicidal person that has just woken up in the hospital, after ATTEMPTING to kill themselves, just to find out there was one more thing they weren't any good at. In simplified terms . . . You feel like poo.

Anyways... On to better things. This isn't the only place you can "keep tabs" on me. I now have a Twitter account which is at . I do my best to get on there at least once a day. It only gives you so much room to post, so less is more. I also have another blog that I "co-host" (if you couldn't tell by the stuff towards the top of this blog page) called Reset Radio. It's mostly just a podcast (if you don't know what that is ... google it sucka, jk. It's like a web radio show that you can download on itunes) but once in a while we find good stuff to blog about.

*20 minutes later*

My contacts were bugging me, so I went and swapped em' for my lovely glasses (that nobody else but my wife and daughter get to see me wear . . . brings back too many memories from Jr. High). My tooth had been bugging me since dinner, so I flossed and brush my teeth as well. The funny thing is, I left a half full (see the optimism) can of Dr. Pepper sitting here when I went upstairs. So I HAD to finish it! I can't let good D.P. go to waste. Let me just tell you that the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper do not go well with the mint left over from my toothpaste. *yuck* Don't you just love the fact that this blog is basically just made-up of useless crap? I don't follow many (make that any) blogs, so I don't know what is and isn't socially acceptable blogging behavior. Personally, I think it just give this blog a little more personality.

On that note. I will type at you later.
Follow me on Twitter or email me at firemouth55 @ hotmail . com


Friday, November 14, 2008

Spead to Thin?

This past week was kind of an eye-opener for me. I realized just how much time I invest in the internet. Between recording, editing and posting a Reset Radio episode, keeping up with my friends on Facebook, reading and replying to mail from my 4 different email accounts, editing HTML code all day at work, and finding enough free time to post to this blog (which I've been neglecting for the the past few days)... I feel like I can't quite keep up.

It's like that old saying, "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." If I were the chicken, my body would be celebrating the separation from my brain too.

Tomorrow at 11am, I get to work at the radio station (crossing my fingers, hoping that I don't screw anything up). I love being able to say that I have finally got my foot in the door with a broadcasting company.

This is going to be a very scatter-brained post, but it's midnight and my mind is gone because it's Friday . . . or Saturday now. Please disregard any and all poor grammar and/or punctuation.

I'm really going to do my best to be consistent about blogging on this page. On one hand, it's just there and I'm not sure how many people will actually even read it, but on the other hand, it gives me a medium to vent and talk about the events of the week. Blogging is kind of like having a therapist that tells everyone what you say behind closed doors. Well, it's a "free" therapist session, so I guess you get what you pay for.

I'm really making no sense right now. I'm making perfect sense in my head, but I have a hard time translating this into words to read on a screen. So, that being said... I think I'm going to head to bed now.



Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wow. . . really? Cool!!!

The last time I posted something, it was basically just a vent session about me "working for free"over at Portrait Kitchens. But it seem that I have done at least SOMETHING right in the past few days.

I actually was hired by 2 different places yesterday. The first place wasn't really THAT big of a deal. . . I love working over at Portrait Kitchens, it's just hard to pay the bills with . . . nothing. Well, I went an kinda told my boss everything that has been going on in my life(and all the bills I can't pay with my "unemployment" check) and asked him if there was any way at all that I could be paid an hourly wage. . . instead of full commission.

He came back the next morning with the offer of $10/hr plus 10% commissions!!! I was so happy!

The other job was kind of a total shock. I've been applying online for jobs for almost a year. I've even emailed my resume to radio stations before, but I must have done something right.

This past Sunday evening I was online looking for jobs. Then I finally got this great idea. I've been hearing a lot lately that one of the local broadcasting companies needing sales people. So I (in my infinite wisdom) decided to email EVERYONE that I could find that worked for this broadcasting company.

Monday I stayed home from work with my sick little girl. (Not to mention the lack of drive I had that morning to even get out of bed and go to work) I was so bummed out when my Hotmail account wouldn't receive new emails. So, here I had just sent off 8 emails to different people, but they couldn't respond back to me (or rather they could, but I wouldn't know). I had just about given up.

Then Tuesday morning I get a call from one of the guys over one of the radio stations telling me they are looking to hire for a "board op" position. He asked me if I was free for an interview. I set the interview up for noon that same day. He gave me the grand tour of the building and introduced me to most of the people that work there.

I love this! I have my first day tomorrow morning at 10 to be "trained" on how to use the equipment for live remote broadcasts. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed that I'll do well at this job!!!



Monday, November 3, 2008

Living on the WRONG side of the Unemployment desk

The title of this post may be a bit misleading . . . I mean, is there ever really a good side of the unemployment desk? I don't really think there is, but I'm wrong a lot so don't quote me on anything.

Yeah so, here I am . . . I have officially become an "unemployed loser." I spent 3 years at my last job, which made me the highest hourly paid employee there. I also just so happened to be working there during a very slow economic growth period. So they decided it would be best for the company, if they took me completely out of the equation. Then they paid someone half of what I was making to do the same thing. Talk about a low blow. The thing that really sucked, was the fact that I was basically laid off via TEXT MESSAGE. They couldn't even tell me in person, even after working there for 3 years of my life! . . . There's a big 3 year chunk of my time that I'll never get back. It's not like I didn't like working there, I just though after hanging out and chatting with these people every day for 3 years, they would have the guts to lay me off in person. (I'm getting off my soapbox now, even though I really like the view from up here.)

Anyways . . . That being said. I was laid off the week after Memorial Day, and ever since then I've been without an official job. I've gone to interviews, I've left resumes, I emailed resumes, I've made phone calls and personal walk-in visits, and I've spent enough time on to actually consider it my full-time job (that doesn't pay). Finally, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. . . a little place called "Portrait Kitchens."

Since mid July, I have been "working" for Shad Johnsen at Portrait Kitchens, starting out as an Outside Sales Rep and later becoming the Internet Sales Manager (it sounds better than it actually is). Well, we all know how bad the economy has been for the past few months. Me of all people should have taken that into consideration as I was applying for jobs. But, little old me has been "stuck" working for FREE for the last 3 and a half months.

The building industry in our little area has seemed to all but come to a screetching hault. When I first started at Portait Kitchens, I was expected to drive around "hunting" for work. I use the word "hunting," but it felt more like begging for scraps. It was my job to find houses that were still in the building stages and see if I could sell them any products or services. It seemed like on average, I would see about 2-3 houses that had been "dropped" (or had stopped being built) every day! . . . Not a great confidence builder at all!!!

About 2 and a half months ago, we started working on our "Worst Kitchen Contest" as well as our online shopping cart, in which case yours truley was put in charge of the latter. . . "Que promotion. . . and . . . Action!"

I was "transformed" from the Outside Sales Rep, that was basically always OUT OF THE OFFICE, to the Internet Sales Manager . . . which looks great on my resume, but not in my bank account. . . like I said before, I was working for free (or on full commission. . . either way it's still free. Tomato... Tamoto). Luckily, I was able to qualify for "unemployment insurance," which pays me about half of what I need in order to support my family. All in all, the whole situation SUCKS!!!

I've tried thinking up new and creative ways to make money. I donate plasma twice a week in return for 50 bucks! It's not a lot, but it helps pay for gas and food. I've thought about selling my guitars, but that's one of the things that I do to take my mind off of everything. . . so I can't get rid of those. I've even gone as far as researching how much money you get for donating BONE MARROW. . . For any of you brave souls out there looking to try this method too, they don't give you anything more than a pain in your side and a pat on the back. I even thought about donating my body to science. No joke! I really looked into it! . . . they don't pay either, otherwise I would have by now.

In this economiclly turbulent time, I figured someone could benifit from my story. If not anything more than to just laugh and say, "I'm sure as hell glad that's not me!"

Money really does make the world go round, and the lack thereof seems to make it all just fall apart. I just know there is something I'm supposed to be learning from this whole ordeal, but right now, I can't see the forest through the trees. I realize that I'll come out of this a better person, so I'm not too worried. I also know that I'm not the ONLY person that has been effected by the slow economy, so that's something to be greatful about.

Well, another long post down the drain. It makes it easier to write this stuff when I'm tired for some weird reason. . . hmm.

Anyways, Thanks for taking the time to read this long-ass post!


Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Post . . . This better be good!

So, I decided to join in on the blogging world to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out I forgot that I jumped onto the "blogger train" about a year ago when I started up the "Reset Radio" podcast with my buddy Rustin. It's a podcast, but our main page is a basic blog layout... Rustin did do a little tweeking with the colors though.

As I'm sitting here after midnight on a very, very early Monday morning, I'm asking myself if I have any truly wonderful news to report. As a whole... not really anything is coming to mind. I guess that is a sign to pack it up and head on up to my bed, which has been calling my name for the past few hours.

I think that the title of this blog fits my sporadic personality. I jump from subject to subject sometimes without any rhyme or reason. . . I should buy a boat!!! (see what I mean) jk

So. . . Voting anyone? This Tuesday marks the turning point of the world as we know it. We were all already "going to hell in a hand basket." But this is most certainly going to speed up the process. All joking aside. . . um ah, oh I guess I wasn't really joking . . . hmm.

Far be it from me to delve deep into the political side of things, but someone has to. That someone is definitely NOT me. I have my opinions about the issues that matter to me, and support the candidate who I feel would be the most proper fit for President. That's why on Tuesday I'm voting for . . . Harrison Ford!

Just think about it, he would make one kick-ass President! I mean just look at "Air Force One." He handled the situation the way a real President should, by kicking ass and taking names. So, on Tuesday, instead of voting for that "old guy" or tossing your vote in for the "black guy" . . . WRITE IN YOUR VOTE TO ELECT HARRISON FORD PRESIDENT!!! Use a Sharpie, they work really well. But why stop there? If we have the option to have a female VP, why not elect a someone who is a little more "easy on the eyes?" Why not vote for someone like Mandy Moore or even that chick from "Transformers"? Now that would be an America to be proud of!!! :)

. . . Thinking about it, I don't really feel that politics is my strong point.

I think i might just have to use this blog as a springboard to promote "Reset Radio," so Rustin and I can know what it's like to have everyone know your name. . . kinda like "Cheers"!!! That would be sweet! Can you just picture me walking into a room full of people, and all at once they all say "Skyler!" . . . oh, what a life I would lead.

Here's to Hopin'! (I exclaim while raising my mug full of . . . Dr. Pepper!?)

"Taking Over the World, One Gamesave at a Time"