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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Don't kill me for not posting, I'll do better

So... I always have a tough time figuring out how to start these kind of things. Should I start off with a joke, a story, some kind of joke-story hybrid? I don't know, and until I do, I guess you'll just have to deal with what you've got.

Now, I'd hate to be a downer... but I thought I'd just make a quick mention regarding my employment situation... I don't have an employment situation anymore, that's my situation. Yep, this past Monday (that's right the Monday after the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend) I was laid off, let go, fired, separated from my work experience, etc (you get the point!). So now I'm looking for another job. I know people besides me read this "lame" blog. So if you happen to know of any jobs, let me know. I'm kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. I'm willing to do ANYTHING. *pause* Okay, maybe not ANYTHING . . . but aside from whoring myself out on the streets at night or hanging out with questionable people in even more questionable dark alleys, swapping products for money out of my car, I think I'd do JUST ABOUT anything.

It's an odd thing that happens when you get laid off from your job. You feel like a suicidal person that has just woken up in the hospital, after ATTEMPTING to kill themselves, just to find out there was one more thing they weren't any good at. In simplified terms . . . You feel like poo.

Anyways... On to better things. This isn't the only place you can "keep tabs" on me. I now have a Twitter account which is at . I do my best to get on there at least once a day. It only gives you so much room to post, so less is more. I also have another blog that I "co-host" (if you couldn't tell by the stuff towards the top of this blog page) called Reset Radio. It's mostly just a podcast (if you don't know what that is ... google it sucka, jk. It's like a web radio show that you can download on itunes) but once in a while we find good stuff to blog about.

*20 minutes later*

My contacts were bugging me, so I went and swapped em' for my lovely glasses (that nobody else but my wife and daughter get to see me wear . . . brings back too many memories from Jr. High). My tooth had been bugging me since dinner, so I flossed and brush my teeth as well. The funny thing is, I left a half full (see the optimism) can of Dr. Pepper sitting here when I went upstairs. So I HAD to finish it! I can't let good D.P. go to waste. Let me just tell you that the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper do not go well with the mint left over from my toothpaste. *yuck* Don't you just love the fact that this blog is basically just made-up of useless crap? I don't follow many (make that any) blogs, so I don't know what is and isn't socially acceptable blogging behavior. Personally, I think it just give this blog a little more personality.

On that note. I will type at you later.
Follow me on Twitter or email me at firemouth55 @ hotmail . com


1 comment:

Brie/Marie said...

Hey Sky, I'm sorry about "the situation." I've been there, and it sucks. Good luck in your quest.
PS-I would keep up with you on Twitter, but I don't get it...I'm so UN-tech savy it's ridiculous.
PPS-I am ADDICTED to dr. pepper, and I would never let one go to waste, so I, too, have experienced the foul mix of DP and toothpaste. YUCK! It's one step below toothpaste and OJ, and that's saying something!