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Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Post . . . This better be good!

So, I decided to join in on the blogging world to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out I forgot that I jumped onto the "blogger train" about a year ago when I started up the "Reset Radio" podcast with my buddy Rustin. It's a podcast, but our main page is a basic blog layout... Rustin did do a little tweeking with the colors though.

As I'm sitting here after midnight on a very, very early Monday morning, I'm asking myself if I have any truly wonderful news to report. As a whole... not really anything is coming to mind. I guess that is a sign to pack it up and head on up to my bed, which has been calling my name for the past few hours.

I think that the title of this blog fits my sporadic personality. I jump from subject to subject sometimes without any rhyme or reason. . . I should buy a boat!!! (see what I mean) jk

So. . . Voting anyone? This Tuesday marks the turning point of the world as we know it. We were all already "going to hell in a hand basket." But this is most certainly going to speed up the process. All joking aside. . . um ah, oh I guess I wasn't really joking . . . hmm.

Far be it from me to delve deep into the political side of things, but someone has to. That someone is definitely NOT me. I have my opinions about the issues that matter to me, and support the candidate who I feel would be the most proper fit for President. That's why on Tuesday I'm voting for . . . Harrison Ford!

Just think about it, he would make one kick-ass President! I mean just look at "Air Force One." He handled the situation the way a real President should, by kicking ass and taking names. So, on Tuesday, instead of voting for that "old guy" or tossing your vote in for the "black guy" . . . WRITE IN YOUR VOTE TO ELECT HARRISON FORD PRESIDENT!!! Use a Sharpie, they work really well. But why stop there? If we have the option to have a female VP, why not elect a someone who is a little more "easy on the eyes?" Why not vote for someone like Mandy Moore or even that chick from "Transformers"? Now that would be an America to be proud of!!! :)

. . . Thinking about it, I don't really feel that politics is my strong point.

I think i might just have to use this blog as a springboard to promote "Reset Radio," so Rustin and I can know what it's like to have everyone know your name. . . kinda like "Cheers"!!! That would be sweet! Can you just picture me walking into a room full of people, and all at once they all say "Skyler!" . . . oh, what a life I would lead.

Here's to Hopin'! (I exclaim while raising my mug full of . . . Dr. Pepper!?)

"Taking Over the World, One Gamesave at a Time"

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