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Friday, November 14, 2008

Spead to Thin?

This past week was kind of an eye-opener for me. I realized just how much time I invest in the internet. Between recording, editing and posting a Reset Radio episode, keeping up with my friends on Facebook, reading and replying to mail from my 4 different email accounts, editing HTML code all day at work, and finding enough free time to post to this blog (which I've been neglecting for the the past few days)... I feel like I can't quite keep up.

It's like that old saying, "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." If I were the chicken, my body would be celebrating the separation from my brain too.

Tomorrow at 11am, I get to work at the radio station (crossing my fingers, hoping that I don't screw anything up). I love being able to say that I have finally got my foot in the door with a broadcasting company.

This is going to be a very scatter-brained post, but it's midnight and my mind is gone because it's Friday . . . or Saturday now. Please disregard any and all poor grammar and/or punctuation.

I'm really going to do my best to be consistent about blogging on this page. On one hand, it's just there and I'm not sure how many people will actually even read it, but on the other hand, it gives me a medium to vent and talk about the events of the week. Blogging is kind of like having a therapist that tells everyone what you say behind closed doors. Well, it's a "free" therapist session, so I guess you get what you pay for.

I'm really making no sense right now. I'm making perfect sense in my head, but I have a hard time translating this into words to read on a screen. So, that being said... I think I'm going to head to bed now.



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