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Monday, March 23, 2009

Family. Isn't it about . . . time?

Hey! Glad to see that I didn't fall off the surface of the world (yet)?

I know it's been a L O N G time since I last graced you with a blob post. I never said that this was going to be a weekly (or even monthly) thing on my part. So if you don't see a post from me for a while, it's most likely caused by me inability to post more than 2 things a week (i.e. because I posted over on the Reset Radio blog page).

Last weekend we headed up to Salt Lake so we could, A: Get our taxes done & B: See family. This was a great trip. I even got to help my little bro buy his Xbox 360 with the money he had so diligently been saving. The "bug" got to see her grandma and her great-grandparents, as well as her aunt Timaree and her uncle Kolten. She really loved the trip!

Spring Break was this past week, so Shani was home working on cleaning up the house (which we usually get done on Saturday). We were also anticipating the arrival of MORE family. This time, my dad and his family were coming up from California. To give you a brief history of my family...

My mom is from Salt Lake. My dad is from Southern California. They met in California, got married, bought a house, sold the house, moved to Murray (Utah), separated, divorced, my dad moved back to California... whoo, that was a long run-on sentence.

I didn't talk to my dad very much, or even see him... Until the summer after 3rd grade. That was when my dad got remarried. That was the last time I saw my dad for a long time (about 18 years). Thanks to myspace, I got back in touch with my half sister, who then got me in touch with my dad.

So about this time last year (March 2008), we met up in Vegas and hung out and got to know everyone. I met my sister before, but she was only a year old when I did. But I also had another sister and a brother, both of which I had never met before. This was also the first time Shani and Kenli had met my dad and his family.

So after a year of chatting on the phone and visiting in Vegas, St. George (Utah), and San Bernardino (California)... We talk my dad and his family to come back up to visit us in St. George for the 2nd time. It was really great! We didn't do a whole heck of a lot, but we did go to Zion National Park on Friday. Then on Saturday I had to work at the radio station, so I took my dad with me, so he could see what I do at work.

hmm... I guess that about sums it up. Shani is going to post some pictures from the trip, so I won't here.

Thanks for reading the blog!

follow my twitter feed over at Twitter is the fastest way to know what I'm doing up to the second. I'm a lot better at "tweeting" than I am at blogging. Or, drop my an email over to


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shoot me in the FOOT . . . Solutions

Hey all! I know I've been VERY bad a posting to this little blog of mine. It seems as soon as I think of it, something else comes up. For instance... Lately I've been playing a lot of Gears of War 2. I think that I may have ended up even becoming an Xbox 360 "achievement junkie."

Other than that, I really haven't done a whole lot since my last post. . .

I guess I kinda forgot to mention that I am now working at a business called "Foot Solutions" where I hope to eventually become a
certified pedorthist or "C. Ped" (professional shoe fitter, in layman's terms). There I get to work with all types of people, but it seems that most are over the age of 50, and a good lot of them are diabetic. I never stopped to think about the impacts diabetes has on ones life until I had this job. I also never realized that diabetics on Medicare receive 1 pair of shoes a year free. . . just for having diabetes. hmm.

On the Reset Radio side... we posted episode 17 a couple weekends ago... Now we just need to get together to record episode 18. I'm sure we will do it sooner than later. It's really nice to have an outlet (or an excuse) for playing video games, watching movies and TV, all in the name of "research."

Last month Rustin and I went to Vegas to go to CES, which was AWESOME!!! Here is a video of SOME of the highlights. We didn't have our cameras going all the time... but then again, if you're around cool electronic stuff... would you record it all?